Index Section 300-Installation
Index-2 DBS Manual - Revised April 2000 DBS-2.3/9.2-300
Data communications ports 7-14
cabinet description 2-3
configurations 2-5
model numbers 1-1
requirements 1-1
DID trunks 4-9
guidelines 4-9
installation 4-10
Digital extension
see DSLT
Dimensions of system 7-4
Door 5-27, 5-31
Door box 5-31
Door box adaptor 5-31
Door box adaptor (extension port) 5-31
Door box adaptor (trunk port)
see Peripheral equipment, door box adaptor
(Trunk Port)
Door phone 5-31
see Peripheral equipment, door box adaptor
(trunk port)
Double-cabinet systems 6-1
guidelines 6-3
DBS 40 + DBS 40 6-4
DBS 72 + DBS 40 6-5
DBS 72 + DBS 72 6-6
DBS 96 + DBS 40 6-7
DBS 96 + DBS 72 6-8
DBS 96 + DBS 96 6-9
maximum capacities 6-3
installation 6-10
MFR cards 6-4
strap S3 6-10
installation 4-41
DSS/72 4-42
guidelines 4-41
EM/24 4-43
guidelines 4-43
wall mounting 3-15
desk stand attachment 3-16
desk stand removal 3-15
DSS/72 4-41
DTMF frequencies 7-17
characteristics 7-3
noise 1-4
EM/24 4-43
EMI filter 4-40
Environmental requirements 1-4, 7-4
electrical noise 1-4
gas and airborne particles 1-4
humidity 1-4, 7-4
lightening protection/grounding 1-5
lighting 1-5
temperature 1-4, 7-4
ventilation 1-4
vibration 1-4
water exposure 1-4
guidelines 4-37
installation 4-37
analog -- See also SLTA
connectors 4-31
pinouts 4-32
digital 4-41
DSS/72 4-41
guidelines 4-41
installation 4-42
EM/24 4-43
guidelines 4-43
installation 4-43
EMI filter 4-40
maximum capacities 2-5
pinouts 4-32
External ringer
see Peripheral equipment, external ringer
FCC information
network address signaling code 1-2
registration number 1-2
ringer equivalence 1-2
Feature-related capacities 7-5
Fractional T1 4-13