12. Security Commands
August 2002 4200-A2-GB20-00
The ENT-USER-SECU command defines the security levels and other
security-related parameters for a specified user. One default user will be
Response Format
If, in less than 2 seconds, a normal or error response cannot be sent, the following
acknowledgment response is sent:
IP c
After the above response, a new command input may be generated.
Normal Response:
sid yy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
/* ENT-USER-SECU:[tid]:uid:[ctag]::pid,,[uap][:]*/
Table 12-9. ENT-USER-SECU Command Parameters
RESTRICTIONS: All parameters in this command are position-defined.
[tid] Identification of the target NE. The default value is null. The NE SID
code is the only other valid value.
uid User Identification name (10 characters maximum). Input is
[ctag] Correlation tag (6 characters maximum) that links an input command
with associated output responses. The default is 0.
pid Password (8−10 characters). The value must include at least one digit,
one letter, and one non-alphanumeric character. Input is case-sensitive.
[uap] User Access Privilege. Valid values are:
NULL: User has no access rights.
RTRV: Retrieve. Report and retrieve commands only (no configuring).
PROV: Configuring (provisioning). Report, retrieve, and configuration
commands allowed. No system administrator tasks including
management of the NE.
SUPER: Supervisor. All user functions allowed.
uid_nblk Named parameter block for UID.