18 C1696M (8/06)
You can attach a USB PC keyboard and mouse to the DVR5100 in addition to using the control pad to navigate through menus. The keyboard and
mouse operations are described in the following table:
Jog/Shuttle Module
Key Live and Playback Operations
Menu selection key: Shows or hides the main menu.
Shuttle (outer ring): Performs fast rewind when moved to the left. Performs fast forward when moved to the right. When a
sub-menu is displayed, turning the shuttle to the left returns you to the main menu. While reviewing recorded video, turn the
shuttle to view the video up to 2x, 4x, 15x, 60x, or 300x of normal speed.
Jog (inner dial): Performs slow rewind when moved to the left. Performs slow forward when moved to the right. While
viewing recorded video, turn the jog counterclockwise to rewind video at a rate of ½ a second for each notch of the turn. To
advance recorded video frame by frame, turn the jog clockwise.
Color-coded function keys: Selects one of the options available on a menu.
Play/pause video key: Plays or pauses recorded video.
Record video key: Records video for export. While recording, pressing this key marks the video with a yellow bar.
Live/playback mode key: Stops playback and returns to live video for the currently selected camera.
Table F. USB PC Keyboard and Mouse Operations
USB PC Keyboard
Key Menu Operations
Selects a menu item. Performs the same actions as the Enter/Shift key on the DVR5100
Control Pad.
F1 - F4 Perform the same actions as the four color-coded function keys on the DVR5100 Control Pad.
F5 - F8
Changes the screen layout from the single, 2x2, 3x3, and 4x4 display layouts respectively.
Displays the Camera Selection dialog box.
Tab or Shift + Tab
Moves to the next field or tab on a menu, or selects the next command on a dialog box or screen.
Press Shift+Tab to move to the previous field or tab on a menu.
Esc (Escape)
Closes a menu.
Shift + (Plus)
In live view mode, displays the next camera in the currently selected video pane. In PTZ mode,
zooms in on the scene. In the menus, expands the device tree or increases a number in a text
field. While viewing recorded video, advances the video one frame at a time.
- (Minus)
In live view mode, displays the previous camera in the currently selected video pane. In PTZ
mode, zooms out of the scene. In the menus, closes the device tree or decreases a number in a
text field. While viewing recorded video, reverses the video one frame at a time.
Down or Up Arrow
In PTZ mode, tilts the currently selected camera down or up. In the menus, selects the next or
previous entry in a list on a menu or dialog box.
Table E. KBD5000 Live and Playback Operations (Continued)