C1696M (8/06) 35
Responding to Alarms
Each time an alarm occurs, the DVR5100 displays an Alarm Received dialog box, which allows you to respond immediately to the event or elect
to have the alarm event snoozed for a specified amount of time. An alarm event must be acknowledged before it will disappear from the screen.
Any user with permissions to do so can respond to an alarm event. The alarm message might provide instructions on how to respond to the alarm
event. If the alarm event meets certain criteria, an e-mail might be sent to designated staff. To set up automatic e-mail notification, you must
create a script to do so, and your system must have a mail server configured. Contact your system administrator to verify that your system is
configured to send automatic e-mail messages about alarms.
Figure 39. Acknowledging an Alarm
The DVR5100 provides a message that can instruct you on how to respond to certain alarm events. If there are several alarms displayed on the
Alarm Received dialog box (Figure 39), you can acknowledge all alarms at the same time. By default, all new alarms are selected at the same
time. Selecting the Ack icon acknowledges all alarms. Note that you must select a single alarm if you want to review its comments. Turn the jog
(inner dial) to select a single alarm if you want to review its comments.
NOTE: The instructions in this manual refer to the DVR5100 Control Pad. An optional KBD5000 keyboard or USB PC keyboard and mouse also can
be used to operate the DVR5100 instead of the Control Pad. Refer to Understanding DVR Controls and Menus on page 13 for alternate keystrokes
if you any of these devices.