192 C2630M-C (7/09)
Using Action Codes
To use an action code to search transaction data, the action code must be created, before recording the transaction data. If the transaction data
is recorded before the action code is defined, the action code will not find the data structure within the transaction data.
Table AW The following table describes the ATM/POS action codes.
Table AW. Action Codes
Code Description Code Description
AL ALL CODES (item or merchandise sold normally) GR GAS REFUND (refund of unused portion of gasoline
AM AMOUNT TENDERED (cash amount tendered) IM INFORMATION MESSAGES (displays message fields, as is)
CC CREDIT CARD (amount tendered with credit card) IT ITEM SALE TRANSACTION (displays message fields)
CD CASH DROP (safe drop) LO LOTTERY PAYMENT (lottery pay out)
CG CHARGE ACCT (amount added to charge account
LS LOTTERY (lottery sale)
CH CHANGE (change due to customer) MT Not included
CK CHECK (amount tendered with check) NS NO SALE (no sale)
CL CLERK NAME (and/or number) or CLERK LOGIN NT NEG TAX (negative tax)
CM MFR COUPON (manufacturer coupon redemption) OT Description not available
CP COUPON (store coupon redemption) OV OVERRIDE (override programmed price-displays message
CR CRITICAL CODES (determined by Action Critical) PL PRICE LOOKUP (displays message fields)
CX CANCEL (cancel entire sale before completion) PO PAID OUT (pay out cash from register)
DB DEBIT CARD (amount tendered with debit, ATM or credit) RA RCVD ON ACCT (customer payment toward charge account
DC DRAWER CLOSED (no display) RF REFUND (payment of refund to customer)
DD DISCOUNT (discount entered as absolute amount) RT RETURN (merchandise returned)
DO DRAWER OPEN (no display) ST SUBTOTAL (sale subtotal)
DP DEPOSIT (deposit amount paid pending purchase) SX TAXABLE AMT (taxable subtotal)
DR DEPOSIT RETURN (deposit return) TI CURRENT TIME (displays description field)
DS PCT DISCOUNT (discount as percentage of cost or total) TK TRANSACTION RECEIPT NUMBER (displays description field)
EI EMPLOYEE SIGN ON (to register) TN Tim Norris (publicly viewable)
EO EMPLOYEE SIGN OFF (to register) TR NEGATIVE TOTAL (negative amount as the total)
FC COMPLIMENTARY (complimentary or on-the-house
TT TOTAL (total amount due)
FS FOODSTAMPS (amount tendered in food stamps, WIC,
and so forth)
TX TAX (tax amount)
GA PREPAID GAS (gasoline prepayment after pumping) VD ERROR CORRECT (void of last item entered)
GP GAS PREPAID (gasoline prepayment) VX VOID (correction of entered item within current transaction)