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The DX8100 HVR allows you to update the configuration file for multiple DX8100 servers and server groups simultaneously. The Multiple
Configuration Upload command on the File menu opens a dialog box, which displays all of the DX8100 devices and groups listed in the Site Tree.
To upload the resident DX8100 server configuration file to selected DX8100 devices:
1. In the System page, export the current HVR settings. For more information about exporting configuration settings, refer to Exporting the
Current HVR Settings on page 219.
2. From the DX8100 menu bar, choose File > Multiple Configuration Upload. The Multiple Configuration Upload dialog box opens. The DX8100
devices and groups listed in the Site Tree are listed in the Multiple Configuration dialog box Site List.
3. In the Site List in the Multiple Configuration Upload dialog box, click the check box for each DX8100 server and server group you want to
4. In the Multiple Configuration Upload dialog box, do the following:
a. Click Browse. The DX8100 Setup File Import dialog box opens.
b. Select the configuration file you want to use to update the DX8100 servers.
c. Click Open. The path to the configuration file is displayed in the Configuration File Path box.
d. Click Upload. The configuration file is uploaded to the selected device. If there is an issue, a message dialog box opens.
5. Click Close to exit the Multiple Configuration Upload dialog box.
Figure 187. Software Upgrade Server Console