
Voice commands related to hands-free phoning
p You can make aphone call by voicedialing if the cellular phonefeaturing Bluetooth wirelesstechnology is being
paired with thenavigation system.
p For <entrys name>shown on the following chart,say the name ofthe entry stored inContacts.
p For <phone number>shown on the following chart,say the desired phonenumber.
Voice commands and operations
Call <entrys name> dMakes a call tothe entry (*2).
Call <entrys name> generald Displays the messageconfirming whether to diald Say Yes dDials the general
phone number of theentry (*3).
Call <entrys name> mobiled Displays themessage confirming whetherto dial d SayYes d Dials the cellular
phone number of theentry (*3).
Call <entrys name> homed Displays themessage confirming whetherto dial d SayYes d Dials the home
phone number of theentry (*3).
Call <entrys name> workd Displays themessage confirming whether to diald Say Yes dDials the officephone
number of theentry (*3).
Call <entrys name> otherd Displays themessage confirming whetherto dial d SayYes d Dials the otherphone
number of theentry (*3).
Call <phone number>d Displays the message confirmingwhether to dial dSay Yes d Dials thephone number.
Make a calld Say the phone number youwant to call dDisplays the message confirmingwhether todial d Say
Yes d The system startsdialing to thenumber.
Make a calld Say the nameof entry storedon Contactsyou want tocall d Displaysthe message confirming
whether to diald Say Yes d The system starts dialingto the number (*2).
List outgoing callsd Display the listof recent outgoing calls (Dialed Calls) toselect the numberand call (*4).
List recent calls dIncoming calls d Displaythe list of recentlyreceived calls (Received Calls) toselect the num-
ber and call(*4).
List recent calls dOutgoing calls d Displaythe list of recentoutgoing calls (Dialed Calls) toselect the number
and call (*4).
List recent incoming callsd Display the listof recently received calls(Rece ived Calls) to selectthe number and
call (*4).
Find the nearest dDisplays the category listd Say thecategory that youwant to setto your destinationd Displays
the list ofcandidates with number dShow me details for<the number thatyou want to select> dCall d Dialing
(*2) If theentry has multiple phonenumber data, selection listmay appear. In suchcase, say the typeof phone
(*3) If thereis no corresponding typeon the entry, thesystem may suggest youother phonenumbers of theentry. In
such case, saythe type of phonenumber.
(*4) Touching the item onthe screen also enables youto select thedesired list.
Operating your navigation system with voice
Operating your navigation system with voice