Using the PDC-3000 with your PC 196
8 Click the viewfinder button ( ) to display a viewfinder
image in the Take Pictures tab.
9 To change the orientation of the image in the viewfinder,
choose Landscape or Portrait as appropriate.
10 Select the Flash setting you want to use from the drop-down
list. See Using flash on page 85 for more information.
11 Choose a Light setting that matches the lighting conditions in
the current scene. See Setting the camera for current lighting
conditions on page 81.
12 Select or deselect the Auto Focus option. See Using Auto
Focus on page 88.
13 If necessary, select Backlight Compensation. See
Compensating for back lighting on page 90.
14 If you are using a TWAIN-compliant application and you
want the picture to appear in a preview window immediately
after you take it, select Snap to Preview. (See Previewing
pictures on page 170 for a detailed description of the preview