Using the PDC-3000 with your PC 205
Image source If you are currently working with pictures in
the PDC-3000 camera in the Transfer Pictures tab, you can
change the image source to a folder on your computer hard
drive containing .PDN files that you had transferred from the
camera earlier. To do this, click the Folder button and choose
a folder. If you are working with .PDN files in a folder, you
can change the image source to the camera by clicking the
Camera button.
Releasing the camera from computer control
You may wish to release the PDC-3000 camera from
computer control so you can operate it via the controls on the
camera and store pictures in the camera without
disconnecting the camera from the computer.
You can release the camera from computer control by closing
(exiting from) the application controlling the PDC-3000
camera (your TWAIN compliant application or PDC Direct).
After releasing the camera, refer to Chapter 3 for camera
operating instructions.
Releasing the camera