Configuring Network Settings
Specify - Calls use the specified gatekeeper.
Specifies the IP address or name of the gatekeeper.
H.323 Alias
Specifies the name that gatekeepers use to identify this
system. You can make Point-to-point calls using H.323 Alias
(Name) if both systems are registered to a gatekeeper.
The H.323 Alias (Name) is the same as the Display Name,
unless you change it.
Specifies the extension that gatekeepers and gateways use
to identify this system.
Related Topics
Specifying Your Network Preferences
Specifying SIP Settings
Specifying SIP Settings
If your network supports the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), you can use SIP to connect IP calls. To use SIP, go
to Menu > Preferences > SIP and enable SIP.
To specify SIP settings:
1. From the main window, click Menu > Preferences > SIP.
2. Click Enable SIP if SIP is available on your network and you would like to use it.
3. Specify the following settings:
Specifies the protocol the system uses for SIP
• TCP - Provides reliable transport via TCP for
SIP signaling.
• UDP - Provides best-effort transport via UDP
for SIP signaling.
Specifies whether to register your information with a
SIP server.
Displays the name that you entered on the General tab
and that is displayed to the far site during calls.
Specifies the user name for authentication with a
Registrar Server.
If you use Broadworks SIP server, specifies the domain
name for authentication with Registrar Server.
If you use Polycom DMA server as the SIP server,
leave the domain blank.
Specifies the password for authentication with Registrar