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User Name
Specifies the user name for authentication with a Registrar Server.
If you use Broadworks SIP server, specifies the domain name for authentication with a Registrar Server. If you use
Polycom DMA server as the SIP server, leave the domain blank.
Specifies the password for authentication with a Registrar Server.
Authentication Name
Specifies the name to use for authentication when registering with a SIP Registrar Server. If you leave this field
blank, the User Name is used for authentication.
Registrar Server
Specifies the DNS name or IP address of the Registrar Server.
Registrar Server Status
Indicates whether your system is registered with the Registrar server.
Proxy Server
Specifies the DNS name or IP address of the SIP Proxy Server.
Related Topics
Specifying SIP Settings
Preferences: Alerts
Alert me when
Lets you choose how Polycom Telepresence m100 should notify you when you receive a call.
Note that visible alerts are hidden when you are viewing full-screen video.
You can also specify whether you want to receive repeated alerts for incoming video calls.
• Select Ring once to hear a single ring.
• Select Continue ringing to hear repeated ringing until you answer or the caller hangs up.
Related Topics
Configuring Alerts
Preferences: Processor
Answering a Call
Detected Processor
Shows details about your computer.
Related Topics
Preferences: Configuration