132 MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C
Programmable Interface
TTL I/O at DB25 connector. Eight input bits and eight output bits are provided for
control via the TTL connector. Refer to "TTL Control", starting on page 85, for more
A/D Converter
Converter range: 12 bits
Readout Rate: Fast, 1 MHz (alternatively 500 kHz); Slow, 100 kHz. Contact factory
for inform
ation on other A/D converters.
Linearity: better than 1%.
Readout noise: 1-1.3 counts RMS on standard sy
Exposure (integration time): 5 m
sec to 23 hours (full frame or frame transfer)
Computer Requirements
The MicroMAX is most commonly used with a Pentium computer configured as follows.
Type: Any
Pentium (or better) PC having a free slot for the Serial Buffer card (PCI is
standard; other types may be available).
Memory (RAM): Minimum of 32 Mbytes; possibly more depending on experiment
design and size of CCD Array
Operating System: Windows 95/ME/2000/XP or Windows NT for WinView/32.
Windows 3.1 required for 16- bit versions of WinView.
Interface: PCI High-Speed Serial I/O card is standard. Other ty
pes may be available.
Contact factory for information.
Note: Macintosh II support may be available. Contact factory for details.
Dimensions: See Appendix B.
Camera Weight:
Round Head: 3 lb max (1.58 kg) for C-mount; 3.5 lb (1.35 kg) max for F-mount,
Rectangular Head: 7 lb (3.2 kg) max for C-mount; 7 lb (3.2 kg) max for F-mount,
Controller Weight: 12 lb (5.4 kg) m
Power Requirements: Nom
inally 100,120, 220 or 240 VAC, 47-63 Hz, 200 watts;
required DC voltages are generated in the controller. Power to camera is applied via
controller cable.
Environmental Requirements: Storage tem
perature ≤50° C; Operating temperature
range over which specifications can be met is 18° C to 23° C; Relative humidity ≤50%
TTL Requirements: Rise tim
e ≤ 40 nsec, Duration ≥ 100 nsec.