52 MicroMAX System User Manual Version 6.C
addition, you should have a basic understanding of how the system hardware is used.
Other topics, which could be quite important in certain situations, are discussed in the
following chapters. See the appropriate ap
plication software m
anual for information on
using the software to control the system.
First Light
alignment. If this is the case, use a wavelength setting of 0.0 nm for alignment purposes.
1. lready set up your system in accordance with the instructions in
pplication software.
6. An entrance slit shutter is not being controlled by the ST-133.
re turned off and then follow the cabling instructions on page 48. Then, return to
this page.
it width to minimum (10 µm if possible).
The following paragraphs provide step-by-step instructions for placing your spectroscopy
system in operation the first time. The intent of this simple procedure is to help you g
basic familiarity with the operation of your system and to show that it is functioning
properly. Once basic familiarity has been established, then operation with other operating
configurations, ones with more complex timing modes, can be performed. An underlying
assumption for the procedure is that the detector is to be operated with a spectrograph s
as the Acton SpectraPro
2300i (SP2300i) on which it has been properly installed. A
suitable light source, such as a mercury pen-ray lamp, should be mounted in front of the
entrance slit of the spectrograph. Any light source with line output can be used. Standa
fluorescent overhead lamps have good calibration lines as well. If there are no “lin
sources available, it is possible to use a broadband source such as tungsten for the
The following procedure assumes that
You have a
Chapter 4.
2. You have read the previous sections of this chap
3. You are fam
iliar with the a
4. The sy
stem is air-cooled.
5. The sy
stem is being operated in spectroscopy mode.
If the system cables haven’t as yet been installed, make sure that the ST-133 and the host
computer a
Getting Started
1. Set the spectrometer entrance sl
Turn on the controller power.
Note: A detector overload alarm may sound briefly and then stop. This is normal and
is not a cause for concern. However, if the alarm sounds continuously, even with no
light entering the detector, something is wrong. Turn off the power and contact the
factory for guidance.
3. Turn on the com
puter power.
4. Start the application software.