Pro-8a 2400 Air – Pro-8a 1200 Air
Additional information
Color Temperature
The color temperature of Pro-8a is calibrated to correspond to daylight and, because of
the PiPE (patent pending) technology, it remains perfectly constant and reliable from flash
to flash and over the entire power range, regardless of the chosen power output and the
number of flash heads used. This makes the Pro-8a generators perfectly suited for all
kinds of critical assignments, even with high-resolution digital cameras and backs. In
combination with all actual Pro flash heads and light shaping tools the Pro-8a generators
give neutral and extremely stable color. Please note that other factors, like reflections
from surrounding objects and ambient lights with non neutral color characteristic, may
influence the light color temperature and spectra.
Combining flash tubes and/or glass covers with different coatings can make distinctive
color temperature adjustments if needed.
f-stop Stability & Range
The unique PiPE (patent pending) technology ensures extreme light power stability
from flash to flash as well as over the whole power range. The unique wide power range
offers maximal flexibility for all situation from light power consuming large objects at
large distances to really close ups ex. ProRing2 without overexposure with one and the
same flash generator. Please note that influence from ambient and modeling light makes
measurement of small power levels difficult.
Do not use the light meter’s built-in slave trigger at smaller power levels. Please use a cord and check the shutter
speed to avoid ambient light influence.
Flash Duration
The full power short flash duration has more advantages except from freezing a moving
object. It will also make it possible to use a very short camera shutter speed to cut out
exposure influence from indoor ambient light as well as direct sunlight.
The flash duration can be shortened by reducing the power output with Flash Light Energy
Control A [8] and/or B [19]. The shortest flash duration using a ProHead and a Pro-8a
generator is 1/12000 sec at energy setting 3,0 - 3,2 (19 - 21,5 Ws). To shorten the flash
duration at high power, use a ProTwin head.
I.e. if you connect the two plugs of a ProTwin to the Lamp Head Connector A [4] and B [15]
of a Pro-8a 2400 Air generator and use both outlets at 1200Ws, the flash duration is just
1/2200s instead of 1/1600s at maximum power with one ProHead.