Pro-8a 2400 Air – Pro-8a 1200 Air
Wireless remote control
For Air Remote control, both radio channel and group have to be set. The group can be set
individually for each lamp head. For wireless use with Profoto Studio 2 and AIR USB, only
radio channel has to be set.
Changing radio channel and group settings:
1. Turn the Sync Control [5] to SET.
2. The radio channel and group setting for the individual lamp head is shown separately
in Flash Light Energy Display A [8] or B [19] as a radio channel number (1-8) followed by a
group letter (A-F).
3. Turn Flash Light Energy Control A [8] or B [19] clockwise/counter-clockwise to increase/
decrease the radio channel number.
4. Push and turn Flash Light Energy Control A [8] clockwise/counter-clockwise to increase/
decrease the group setting for lamp head A [4].
5. Push and turn Flash Light Energy Control B [19] clockwise/counter-clockwise to
increase/decrease the group setting for lamp head B [15].
6. Turn the Sync Control [5] to RADIO.
Turn off generator
1. The modeling light, energy level, radio channel and group settings are automatically
saved as soon as they are changed and will be available at start up.
2. Press the On switch [13] to turn off the power.
3. The Power Supply Indicator [12] will be red, indicating that the generator is receiving
power but is in standby mode.
4. Remove the power cable.