Advanced Configuration AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
Wireless-A or Wireless-B
Each SSID can have its own Security Profile that defines its security mode, authentication mechanism, and encryption,
so that customers can have multiple types of clients (non-WEP, WEP, 802.1x, WPA, WPA-PSK, 802.11i, 802.11i-PSK) on
the same system separated per VLAN. See the Security Profile section for more information. Each SSID can support a
unique VLAN. In order for the AP to support multiple SSID/VLANs, VLAN Tagging must be enabled. These parameters
are configurable on the Wireless-A and Wireless-B screens.
Configuring an SSID/VLAN with VLAN Tagging Disabled
With VLAN tagging disabled (from the SSID/VLAN/Security > Mgmt VLAN tab), only one SSID can be configured per
interface. All parameters set on the Wireless-A or Wireless-B tab will be applied to that SSID.
1. Click SSID/VLAN/Security > Wireless-A or Wireless-B.
The SSID, VLAN, and Security Configuration page is displayed.
Figure 4-54 SSID, VLAN, and Security Configuration (VLAN Tagging Disabled)
2. Enable or disable RADIUS accounting on the VLAN/SSID by selecting Enable or Disable from the Accounting
Status drop-down menu.
3. Control the functionality of RADIUS MAC Authentication on the VLAN/SSID by selecting one of the following from the
the RADIUS Authentication Status drop-down menu.