Command Line Interface (CLI) AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
Parameter Tables
Security Parameters
MAC Access Control Parameters
MAC Access Control Table
Rogue Scan Configuration Table
The Rogue Scan Configuration Table allows you to enable or disable Rogue Scan and configure the scanning
802.1x Parameters
Hardware Configuration Reset
The Hardware Configuration Reset commands allows you to enable or disable the feature and to change the password to
be used for configuration reset during boot up.
Name Type Value Access CLI Parameter
MAC Address Control Group N/A R macacl
Status Integer enable
disable (default)
RW aclstatus
Operation Type Integer passthru (default)
RW macacloptype
Name Type Value Access CLI Parameter
MAC Address Control
Table N/A R macacltbl
Table Index N/A N/A R index
MAC Address PhysAddress User Defined RW macaddr
Comment (optional) DisplayString User Defined
max 254 characters
RW cmt
Status (optional) Integer enable (default)
RW status
Name Type Value Access CLI Parameter
Rogue Scan
Configuration Table
Table N/A R rscantbl
Rogue Scan Mode Integer Bkscan (1)
Contscan (2)
RW mode
Rogue Scan Cycle Time Integer 1 - 1440 RW cycletime
Rogue Scan
Configuration Table Index
Integer 3 or 4 RW index
Rogue Scan Status Integer enable
RW status
Name Type Value Access CLI Parameter
802.1x Group Group N/A R dot1xauthcfg
802.1x Supplicant
Integer32 3 - 60 seconds
(recommended range)
RW dot1xsupptimeout