Command Line Interface (CLI) AP-700 User Guide
Set Basic Configuration Parameters using CLI Commands
Figure A-13 Results of “show wif” CLI command for an AP
Enable 802.11d Support and Set the Country Code
Perform the following command to enable 802.11d IEEE 802.11d support for additional regulatory domains.
[Device-Name]>set wif 3 dot11dstatus <enable/disable>
Perform the following command to set a country code:
[Device-Name]>set syscountrycode <country code>
Select a country code from the following table. Note that not all countries are available for all products. This table is
derived from ISO 3166.
Country Code Country Code Country Code
Algeria DZ Honduras HN Panama PA
Albania AL Hong Kong HK Papua New Guinea PG
Argentina AR Hungary HU Peru PE
Armenia AM Iceland IS Philippines PH
Australia AU India IN Poland PL
Austria AT Indonesia ID Portugal PT
Azerbaijan AZ Ireland 5.8 GHz I1 Puerto Rico PR
Bahrain BH Israel IL Qatar QA
Belarus BY Italy IT Romania RO
Belgium BE Jamaica JM Russia RU
Belize BZ Japan JP Samoa WS
Bolivia BO Japan2 J2 Saudi Arabia SA
Brazil BR Jordan JO Singapore SG
Brunei Darussalam BN Kazakhstan KZ Slovak Republic SK
Bulgaria BG North Korea KP Slovenia SI
Canada CA Korea Republic KR South Africa ZA
Chile CL Korea Republic2 K2 South Korea KR