Command Line Interface (CLI) AP-700 User Guide
Parameter Tables
System Parameters
Inventory Management Information
NOTE: The inventory management commands display advanced information about the AP’s installed components. You
may be asked to report this information to a representative if you contact customer support.
Name Type Value Access CLI Parameter
System Group N/A R system
Name DisplayString User Defined RW sysname
Location DisplayString User Defined RW sysloc
Contact Name DisplayString User Defined RW sysctname
Contact E-mail DisplayString User Defined RW sysctemail
Contact Phone DisplayString User Defined
max 254 characters
RW sysctphone
FLASH Backup Interval Integer 0 - 65535 seconds RW sysflashbckint
Flash Update 0
RW sysflashupdate
System OID DisplayString N/A R sysoid
Descriptor DisplayString System Name, flash
version, S/N, bootloader
R sysdescr
Up Time Integer dd:hh:mm:ss
dd - days
hh - hours
mm - minutes
ss - seconds
Emergency Restore to
Resets all parameters to
default factory values
RW sysresettodefaults
Note: You must enter the
following command twice to
reset to defaults:
set sysresettodefaults 1
Name Type Value Access CLI Parameter
System Inventory
Subgroup N/A R sysinvmgmt
Component Table Subgroup N/A R sysinvmgmtcmptbl
Component Interface
Subgroup N/A R sysinvmgmtcmpiftbl