
Tsunami MP.11 Installation and Management
Related CLI commands:
show wifsec
set wifsec 3 encryptkey1 <key 1>
set wifsec 3 encryptkeytx <1 - 4>
set wifsec 3 encryptallowdeny <enable/disable>
Access to the MP.11 is protected with passwords. The default password is public.
Using Telnet to Change Passwords
To change the telnet password, click Configure Î Telnet.
Enter the new password in the Password field; repeat it in the Confirm field and click OK.
Related CLI commands:
show telnet
set tellogintout <login timeout>
set telport <port number>
set telsessions <maximum number of sessions>
set telsessiontout <inactivity timeout>
Using the Web Interface to Change Passwords
To change the password of the Web Interface, click Configure Î HTTP.
Enter the new password in the Password field; repeat it in the Confirm field and click OK.
Related CLI commands:
show http
set httppasswd <password>
set httpport <port number>
set httpstatus <0 - 15>
Using SNMP to Change Passwords
You can set a read and a read-and-write password for SNMP. The password used during login
determines the type of access.
You can change these passwords as follows:
Click Configure Î SNMP. Enter the new password in the Password field; repeat it in the Confirm
field and click OK when you are done.
Related CLI commands:
show snmp
set snmprpasswd <read password>
set snmprwpasswd <read/write password>
set snmpstatus <0 - 15>
Chapter 4. Basic Management 35
CPN 63708 Issue Date: 02/05/2003