Tsunami MP.11 Installation and Management
Ethernet Link
Wireless Link
OFF when no power is
present or
Green when power is
present and the unit is
Amber when the unit
has a failure (try Reload
to fix the problem).
Red when there is a
fatal error in the unit.
OFF when not connected.
Green when connected at
10 Mbps.
Blinking Green when
data sent.
Amber when connected at
100 Mbps.
Blinking Amber when
data sent.
Red when there is an error
in data transfer.
OFF wireless interface is up
properly, but no wireless link
Green immediately after
connecting a link.
Blinking Green when data sent.
Amber when in Forced Reload
Red when the wireless interface
is down.
Blinking Red when there is a
data packet error (loss).
The issues described in this section relate to the connections of the MP.11.
MP.11 Does Not Boot
The MP.11 shows no activity (the power LED is off).
1. Ensure that the power supply is properly working and correctly connected.
2. Ensure that all cables are correctly connected.
3. Check the power source.
4. If you are using an Active Ethernet splitter, ensure that the voltage is correct.
Serial Link Does Not Work
The MP.11 cannot be reached through the serial port.
1. Check the cable connection between the MP.11 and the computer.
2. Ensure that the correct COM port is used.
3. Start the terminal program; set the following connection properties (also see “HyperTerminal
Connection Properties”), and then connect.
COM port For example, COM1 or COM2, to which the MP.11 serial port is connected
Bits per second 9600
Data bits 0
Stop bits 1
Flow control None
Parity None
Line ends Carriage return with line feed
4. Ensure that the MP.11 and the computer use the same serial port configuration parameters.
Chapter 9. Troubleshooting 75
CPN 63708 Issue Date: 02/05/2003