Chapter 9 Managing Media
Using the SNSM Media Functions
StorNext User’s Guide 222
7 After the Status screen informs you that the task has completed
successfully, click Close.
Dismounting Media
Use the following procedure to dismount media.
1 From the SNSM home page, choose Library > Dismount from the
Media menu. The Dismount Media screen appears.
Figure 167 Dismount Media
2 Select either a Media or Drive ID from the drop-down menu.
Depending on which ID you selected, the information in the other
field automatically populates.
3 Review your selections and click Apply.
4 After the Status screen informs you that the operation was successful,
click Close.
Adding Media Types to a
Policy Class 9
Use this function to add media types to add to a policy class. The media
type you specify must be available in the library before you can add it to a
policy class.