Labeling Disk Devices
StorNext User’s Guide 323
Labeling Disk Devices
Each drive used by SNFS must be labeled. A new drive only needs to be
labeled one time. A drive can be labeled from any StorNext server or
client that has a Fibre Channel (FC) connection to the drive. Use this
procedure to label a disk device using CLI.
All output examples shown in this appendix differ from the actual
output, but the structure and information provided is similar.
1 On a SNFS client, at the system prompt, display a list of connected
drives. Type: /usr/cvfs/bin/cvlabel -l
The command output is similar to this:
2 Looking at the output information, identify any drives that are
unused or do not have a recognized Volume Type. For these drives,
write down their associated device names.
3 Create /usr/cvfs/config/cvlabels by typing the following:
/usr/cvfs/bin/cvlabel -c > /usr/cvfs/config/cvlabels
Caution: The process of disk labeling re-partitions the drives. If you
select an incorrect drive, you may lose data.
Also, it’s a good practice to save a copy of your labels file.
If you lose labels (and you using a Linux or Windows
system,) the Quantum Technical Assistance Center will
need this copy to help you relabel your devices.