
Chapter 12 StorNext Reports
The Media Information Report
StorNext User’s Guide 280
Media Class: The media class designated for the tape
Policy Class: Indicates whether a policy class is associated with the
Last Access Time: The date and time when the media was last used
Media Status: Indicates media status: Available, Unavailable, or In
Write Protect: Indicates whether the media is write-protected
Formatted: Indicates whether the media is formatted
Import Date: The date the media was added to the library
Export: This attribute is currently not utilized in StorNext, and
should remain at status UNMARKED
# Files: The number of files associated with the media
Space Used: The amount of space written
% Used: The percentage of used space
Space Remaining (bytes): The available space on the media (in bytes)
Mount Count: The number of times the tape has been mounted
Move Count: The number of times the tape has been moved
Suspect Count: Indicates whether the media has any errors. If so,
errors are marked as suspect
Current Action: This is currently not utilized in StorNext and should
remain at status NONE
Location: The location of the tape
Current Archive: The current library in which the media is located
Pending Archive: Indicates whether the media is associated with
another library
This Detailed Media Information Report (displayed after you click the
Show Details link) provides the following information:
Dead Space: The amount of unused space on the media
File Pathname: The file’s path location
File Size: The file’s size
Version: The file’s current version