Modifying Global Settings
StorNext User’s Guide 324
The created file displays an entry for disks located by the /usr/cvfs/
bin/cvlabel command.
CvfsDisk_UNKNOWN /dev/sdb # host 4 lun 1 sectors 639570752 ...
CvfsDisk_UNKNOWN /dev/sdc # host 4 lun 2 sectors 639570752 ...
CvfsDisk_UNKNOWN /dev/sdd # host 4 lun 3 sectors 639570752 ...
4 In the /usr/cvfs/config/cvlabels file, delete any lines that refer to disks
that will not be labeled or have already been labeled.
5 Edit /usr/cvfs/config/cvlabels file to provide a unique name for each
drive to be used by SNFS.
In this example, the UNKNOWN variable in the drive name
associated with disk device /dev/sdb has been renamed to a numeral
(in sequence) 0,1,and 2. The disk devices have also been
alphabetically ordered.
CvfsDisk0 /dev/sdb # host 4 lun 1 sectors 639570752 ...
CvfsDisk1 /dev/sdc # host 4 lun 2 sectors 639570752 ...
CvfsDisk2 /dev/sdd # host 4 lun 3 sectors 639570752 ...
6 Save the /usr/cvfs/config/cvlabels file.
7 Use the cvlabel command to label the disks. Type:
/usr/cvfs/bin/cvlabel /usr/cvfs/config/cvlabels
8 For each disk, you are prompted to verify that you want to label each
disk. Type Y for yes.
Modifying Global Settings
The global section of the file system configuration file contains general
parameters that control enabling and disabling features, system
performance, and components related to the file system’s resource
Caution: Identify any drives that already contain a
recognized Volume Type. Do not write a label to
these drives or you may lose data.