Chapter 5 Specifications
Drive Performance Specifications
40 LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drive User’s Guide
Table 7 Drive
Specification Value
LTO-2 (609 m)
Ultrium type A (609 m)
Ultrium type B (319 m)
Ultrium type C (203 m)
Ultrium type D (87 m)
200 Gbytes (native)
100 Gbytes (native)
50 Gbytes (native)
30 Gbytes (native)
10 Gbytes (native)
Recording density 3,930 RLL-encoded ONEs per mm
Flux density 3,660 flux transitions per mm
Track density 3 tracks per mm
Error recovery Read-after-write Reed Solomon ECC (2 levels)
Recording unrecoverable errors <1 in 10
data bits
Recording undetectable errors < 1 in 10
data bits
Tape drive type LTO-2 (Ultrium)
Head configuration 16 thin-film write heads
16 MR read heads
4 MR servo heads
During operation 8 write heads, 8 read heads, and
2 servo heads are active at the same time
Recording format Ultrium 8-channel (U-28)
Recording method 0, 13/11 RLL
Transfer rate (sustained) 20 Mbytes/second (max, native)
Cartridge unload time 3 seconds