Chapter 5 Specifications
Regulatory Compliance
LTO-2 Half-Height Tape Drive User’s Guide 45
Cartridge Memory 5 Each Ultrium cartridge has 4 Kbytes of nonvolatile memory: 3 Kbytes are
used to store tape-directory and hardware specific information. 1 Kbyte is
available for application and OEM use. The cartridge memory is
powered, read, and written to via a radio-frequency link.
Recommended cartridge use: After 5,000 load/unload cycles, replace the
cartridge to ensure data integrity.
See chapter 3, Operation
for additional cartridge information and
Regulatory Compliance 5
These drives comply with the safety and EMC regulations listed in the
following tables.
Safety Compliance5
Country Regulatory Organization Compliant to:
United States
Canadian Standards Association
UL/CSA 60950-1
Mexico Normas Oficiales Mexicanas
(NOM), similar to UL
NOM standards
EU member nations Comité Europèen de
Normalisation Electrotechnique –
the European Committee for
Electrotechnical Standardization