True to the Music
Radial Engineering Cabbone Owner’s Manual
To speaker-2 output jack
This ¼” output jack is used to connect to your second speaker cabinet.
Most players tend to stack one cabinet on top of the other and this
would generally be connected to the bottom cabinet.
Foot switch assign (FT- SW ASSIGN)
The foot switch assign is used to alternate between the Cabbone’s foot
switch and an external foot switch. When set to external, the speaker
selection is triggered by the Slingshot remote input. See pages 8, 9, &
10 for more information.
Foot switch
The on-board foot switch is used to toggle between speaker cabinet 1
and speaker cabinet 2. The footswitch assign switch needs to be set
to INTERNAL for it to work. When this switch is depressed, it sends a
change command to a timer IC chip that in turn, sends on-off com-
mands to the two internal relays. These actually do the speaker con-
nections and are rated for 120 watts RMS. During the transition, both
speakers are momentarily on, creating a ramped overlap. This en-
sures the amp is always seeing a load. Now, depress the foot switch. If
you do not have sound going to speaker-2, check your cables. If you
have no sound, try connecting your amp directly to speaker-2 to make
sure it is working correctly.
LED indicators
Two large, easy-to-see LED indicators are set above the footswitch to
provide instant visual monitoring of speaker cabinet set-up. These will
toggle when the footswitch is activated.
LED indicator