True to the Music
Radial Engineering Cabbone Owner’s Manual
One of the most innovative features built into the Cabbone is the Sling-
shot remote control. This clever feature allows you to remotely toggle
the Cabbone’s output from your pedal board or send a status change
command to another device such as a guitar amplifier to change chan-
nels or to an effect device to change presets.
At first glance, the Slingshot may appear to be a ‘cool extra bonus’ that
was added to the Cabbone. In fact, when developing the Cabbone,
we found that the Slingshot plays an indispensable role in making a
guitar amp setup really work effectively. For example, on small stages,
you may find that switching speakers using the on-board footswitch
works well with the Cabbone stationed next to your amp. But on larger
stages, you may prefer to perform this function from your pedal board.
The problem is running cables to and from your amp can be cumber-
some. The Slingshot input gives you a simple solution by allowing you
to remotely switch the Cabbone using a simple footswitch.
As you push your system demands further, you may wish to use the
Slingshot output to switch guitar amplifier channels at the same time as
your speakers. This would allow you to have independent EQ and level
control for each speaker cabinet. Guitar amp channel-1 and speaker-1
could work together and amp channel-2 and speaker-2 could also be
mated. To further extend this, you may want to one day incorporate
a MIDI controller to change multi-effects processor presets and amp
channels simultaneously. The Slingshot leaves the door open for this
type of expansion.
Slingshot input
This ¼” jack is used to receive a status change command from a re-
mote footswitch, another Slingshot equipped pedal or a MIDI controller.
The Slingshot feature employs the same basic latching contact closure
as used on traditional guitar amplifiers for their channel switching. This
means that the Slingshot is easy to interface with most gear.
Amp type & rated imp. Lower speaker imp.
Connecting a 4-Ohm
cabinet will increase
the volume. Check amp
specs. for min. load.
Connecting a 4-Ohm
cabinet will make amp
sound more punchy and
warm. You get shorter
tube life.
Higher speaker imp.
Connecting a 16-Ohm
cabinet will reduce the
power and lower the
Connecting a 16-Ohm
cabinet will make amp
sound less punchy and
warm. You get longer
tube life.
Using unmatched loads
Tube amp with 8-Ohm
Solid-state amp with
8-Ohm outlet.