Chapter 4: Calibration 27
Chapter 4: Calibration
4.1 Introduction
The ST60 Wind instruments are set up with factory-programmed default settings,
so in order to optimize the performance of the instruments on board a particular
vessel, the procedures in this Chapter must be carried out immediately after the
completion of installation, and before the equipment is used for navigational
Where practicable, the calibration procedures are presented diagrammatically to
show the sequence of key presses and the resulting displays. Adjustment
instructions are given as applicable.
EMC conformance
• Always check the installation before going to sea to make sure that it is not
affected by radio transmissions, engine starting etc.
• In some installations, it may not be possible to prevent the equipment from
being affected by external influences. Although this will not damage the
equipment, it can lead to spurious resetting action, or momentarily may result
in faulty operation.
4.2 User calibration
The User calibration procedures:
• Linearize and align the wind transducer.
• Select the required wind speed units
Linearizing and aligning the wind transducer
This procedure ensures that the sensors in the windvane transducer are correctly
calibrated to record rotation of the windvane, then compensates for any small
errors which may exist in the alignment of the wind transducer.
To do this:
1. Power-up the ST60 Wind instrument.
2. Slowly turn the vessel through two complete circles. This procedure automat-
ically linearizes the windvane. A successful linearization is indicated by the
digital display flashing and the buzzer sounding three beeps.