Pay Attention to These Terms 4
#%% $
Type H1 - Mechanical Modulating 6
Type H2 - Motorized Modulating 6
Type H3 - 2-Stage Controls 6
Type H4 - On-Off Controls 6
Type H5 - Mechanical Modulating 6
Type H9 - 4-Stage 6
Installation Codes 6
Installation Base 7
Clearances 7
Outdoor Boilers 8
High-Wind Conditions (Outdoor Units Only)8
Combustion and Ventilation Air
(Indoor Units Only) 8
Venting 9
Indoor Installations 10
Vent Piping 13
Vent Damper Installation 15
Plumbing 16
Gas Supply Connections 16
%# $
Economaster Controls 21
Electronic Ignition 21
Operating Controls 21
Limit Controls 23
%# % $
Before Start-Up 25
General 25
Filling System - Heating Boilers 25
Ethylene Glycol Systems -
Heating Boilers 25
Initial Start-Up - Pump And Motor 25
For Models with Automatic Gas Valves 28
After Start-Up 28
Standing Pilot Checkout
Procedure 28
Intermittent Pilot System
Checkout (S8600) 28
Inspections 29
Burners 29
Controls 29
Suggested Inspection Schedule 29
( C #$
Models 181 to 401 30
Operation 30
Start-Up (S8600M) 30
Blower Adjustment 30
Visual Inspection 30
Electrical 30
Flame Roll-Out Safety Switch 31
Service 31
Burner Tray Removal 31
Gas Valve Removal 31
Main Burner and Orifice Removal 31
Pilot Removal 32
Combustion Fan Removal 32
%# &$ %
Service 38
Repair Section 38