a. All Air From Inside The Building:
Each opening shall have a minimum net free
square inches as noted in Table E.
b. All Air From Outdoors:
When air is supplied directly from outside of build-
ing, each opening shall have a minimum net free
square inches as noted in Table F.
&% Combustion air must not be
ontaminated by corrosive chemical fumes which
can damage the boiler and void the warranty.
Model Sq. Inches Model Sq. Inches
133 136 1125 1125
182/181 181 1223 1223
260/261 264 1336 1337
330/331 334 1468 1467
400/401 399 1631 1630
514 512 1826 1826
624 627 2100 2100
724 726 2500 2499
824 825 3001 3000
962 962 3500 3500
4001 4000
Model Sq. Inches Model Sq. Inches
133 34 1125 282
182/181 46 1223 306
260/261 66 1336 335
330/331 84 1468 367
400/401 100 1631 408
514 128 1826 457
624 157 2100 525
724 182 2500 625
824 207 3001 750
962 241 3500 875
4001 1000
Table E: Minimum Net Free Air from Inside Building
Table F: Minimum Net Free Air from Outside Building
1. Remove the front (4) screws.
2. Line up outdoor top vent opening over heater vent
3. Lower outdoor top onto unit lining up slots in the
outdoor top with screw holes in jacket top.
4. Reinstall (5) screws to secure jacket top and out-
door top to unit.
Outdoor Top Installation
Fig. 4: Installing Outdoor Top—Model 133
Fig. 5: Installing Outdoor Top—Models 181-401 & 182-