LDK 8000 HDTV camera system User’s Guide (v3.0) 105
Chapter 8 - Specifications
Chapter 8
8.1 Specifications for LDK 8000
Item Value
Power requirements supplied via adapter or local power
Power consumption 60 W (camera head + TriaxHD adapter + viewfinder)
Operating temperatures -20 to +45°C (-4 to +113°F)
Storage temperatures -20 to +60°C (-4 to +140°F)
Weight (approx.) 5.0 kg (11 lbs) incl. 2-inch VF and TriaxHD adapter
Pick-up device 3 x 2/3-inch HD-DPM
1080i/720p or 1080p/1080i/720p switchable
Picture elements 9.2 million pixels 1920 (H) x 4320 (V) effective
Digital quantization 14-bit A to D
Digital signal processing 74.25 MHz or 148.5 MHz, better than 22-bit accuracy
Sensitivity 2000 lux (186 ft cd) at F8.0 (typical, 1080i50 mode), reflectance
Minimum illumination Approx. 12 lux at F 1.4 and +12 dB gain
Exposure control Down to 1/1000 s
Clean scanning 50.6 to 125 Hz (at 50 Hz)
61 to 150 Hz (at 59.94 Hz.)
Smear no vertical smear
Optical system F1.4 prism system
Optical filters First: clear, 1/4 ND, 1/16 ND, 1/64 ND
second: clear, 4-point star, 6-point star, soft focus
Modulation depth 55% at 27 MHz (typical, 720p mode)
S/N ratio 56 dB in Y (typical)
Registration <25 ns (0.05% max.) in all zones, without lens
Dynamic range >400%
Gain -6dB to +15dB in 3dB steps or continuously variable
Colour matrices 6 standard, 2 variable
Colour temperature 4 standard, 2 memories and continuously variable