
LDK 8000 HDTV camera system User’s Guide (v3.0) 67
Chapter 5 - Operating instructions
5.9 Managing files
You can have access to 15 different files. This number can be extended by using additional
scene file camera cards. The Files menu is used to recall and store these files. There are two
types of file:
scene files
operator files
A scene file contains values related to the picture performance. The operator file contains
values related to the set-up of the camera (viewfinder, lens and installation parameters). The
tables in the Appendix indicate the functions that are stored in the scene file and those
functions that are stored in an operator file.
5.9.1 Scene files
Four scene files are stored in the camera itself (SCAM1,SCAM2, SCAM3 and SCAM4).
Another four scene files can be stored on the camera card (SCARD1, SCARD2, SCARD3 and
SCARD4). A STANDARD scene file (preselected as either factory or customer defined) is
stored in the camera.
The standard customer scene file is stored via the SECURITY menu, not the FILES menu. The
decision to use the factory defined file or the customer defined file as the standard file is also
made in this menu.
The FILES menu enables the scene files to be stored and recalled using the store and recall
entries of the menu system. If the message NOK is displayed, then the old values are restored.
If the camera is on-air when a scene file is recalled, then the recalled values do not become
active until the camera goes off air.
5.9.2 Operator files
The FILES menu also allows the recall of the operator file stored in the camera (OCAM1) or
one of the two operator files (OCARD1 and OCARD2) stored on the camera card. These files
contain information for setting up the non-video configuration of the camera. A STANDARD
operator files (factory or customer defined) is stored in the camera.
The standard customer operator file is stored via the SECURITY menu, not the FILES menu.
The decision to use the factory defined file or the customer defined file as the standard file is
also made in this menu.
5.9.3 Standard files
The green STD button on the left-front side of the camera recalls the standard scene file. This
file contains standard parameters for the picture performance. A standard operator's file can
be recalled via the FILES menu. This file contains parameters for the set-up of the camera.