
© 2004 SPX Corporation
General Description
The 92500 provides an easy, efficient way of replacing automatic transmission
fluid in a vehicle. The Exchanger removes the used transmission fluid and
replaces it with new fluid, which reduces the harmful contaminants and
restores the fluid properties, extending the life of the vehicle’s transmission.
Glossary of Terms
ATF — Automatic transmission fluid (oil).
Unit — The transmission fluid exchanger.
Dipstick Only Mode —Transfers used ATF and new ATF through the
transmission’s dipstick tube by running a hose directly into the transmission
fluid pan. This mode eliminates the need to remove the cooler lines.
Dipstick/Cooler Mode — Initially transfers used ATF and new ATF through
the transmission’s dipstick tube. Then with the engine running, new ATF is
pumped into the transmission through the dipstick tube, while the used ATF is
evacuated through the cooler lines. This mode provides the quickest transfer of
used and new ATF.
Cooler Only Mode — Transfers used ATF and new ATF through the oil cooler
lines. Use this mode if the transmission does not have a dipstick.
Manual/Top-Off Mode — Manually adds or removes fluid to or from the
transmission pan. Use this mode if it is necessary to remove the transmission
pan, or to add fluid when using another mode.
Drain Waste Tank — Transfers used ATF from the internal waste tank
through the nylon transfer hose to an external waste ATF holding tank.
Total Count — Displays the number of ATF exchanges performed.
Pause/Abort — Pauses or aborts a transfer. Press button once to pause.
Press and hold button to abort.
Note: When abort is selected, the unit resets
itself. All measurements will be cancelled.
Review current local, state, and federal statutes, cases, laws, and regulations
to determine the current status and appropriate disposal method for the
automatic transmission fluid. It is the responsibility of the user to determine
if a material is a hazardous waste at the time of disposal. Ensure that you are
in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.