Playing Media with BrightSign
Media can autoplay from a CompactFlash card upon power-up, play via a script on a
CompactFlash card, or be tested using the serial shell commands.
NOTE: On an HD600, video will come out the VGA connector, and the resolution will
be 1024x768 unless you have changed this in your .CSV, Playlist, or Script, or by using
the front panel video mode button. On an HD2000, video will come out the Component
and HDMI connectors and the default video resolution is 720p. If your still image file
resolution does not exactly match the display resolution (videomode), then they will be
scaled to fit or centered/cropped, depending on the “imagemode” you have selected – see
other sections of this manual. Video files will always be scaled to fit.
The following types of media can autoplay:
1. a single MPEG-2 video file (loops)
2. a playlist (also loops). A play list is a simple text file that contains the file names
of still slides, video clips, or audio files to play. More information can be found
later in this manual under Playlists.
3. a “.CSV” (comma separated values) file that you create using Microsoft Excel (or
any csv editor such as OpenOffice or the editor hosted at
http://csved.sjfrancke.nl/index.html). BrightSign can use this file format as a
description of an interactive sign that responds to buttons, touch screen, mouse,
track balls, etc. These are very powerful and easy to create without any scripting.
The BrightSign Demo, which is available to download from our web site, uses
this method.
4. a custom BrightScript file for arbitrarily complex interactive media sequences.
• Mpeg Video - Files must be must be MPEG-2. Files for the HD600 must contain
an audio track - if you don’t need audio, use “silence”.
• MP3 Audio - Any audio (in a video or mp3 file) should have a sample rate of
48KHZ (or 44.1KHZ on the HD2000)
• Bitmap files - For still images, use 8-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit .BMP file format,
1024x768 (or other resolution that matches the video mode you plan to use).
Additionally, PNG files can be used on the HD2000.
NOTE: 8-bit bitmap files are only supported under HD600 software version 1.1 or later
and HD2000 software version 1.0.4 or later. Beginning with Autorun.bas v1.1 and later,
Autoplaying a list of images on startup requires the use of a “Playlist
” or “.CSV” file.
Auto Playing a Video upon Power-up
To autoplay a video file on power-up or reset, do the following:
1. Copy the video file onto the root directory of a CompactFlash card and name it
“autoplay.vob” or “autoplay.mpg”.