If you are still having problems after trying troubleshooting tips, please contact customer
support at www.rokulabs.com/brightsign
for more assistance.
Autoplay & General Troubleshooting
Autoplay.mpg does not play automatically
1. Verify autoplay.mpg is spelled correctly
2. Verify that the autorun.bas v1.1 or later and autoplay.mpg are both in the root of the
CF card
3. Verify you do not have an “autoplay.csv” or “autoplay.bsp” in the root of the CF
card. There should only be one autoplay file in the root of the CF card.
4. Check if your PC is set to show file extensions. If your PC is not set to show file
extensions, and you rename the file “autoplay.mpg”, you may have accidentally
named the file “autoplay.mpg.mpg.”
5. Use the “BrightSign Shell” to test video playback.
6. See “General Playback Problems” for more troubleshooting help.
Autoplay.bmp does not play automatically
Naming your bitmaps autoplay1.bmp, autoplay2.bmp, etc is not supported under
autorun.bas version 1.1 or later. Use a playlist to play images in a loop. See “Playlist”
section for details.
General Playback Problems with the BrightSign
If you’re having general problems playing back content with the BrightSign, try the
1. Download and verify “BrightSign Demo” plays. If you are also having playlist
problems, test the Playlist Demo.
2. Verify content is correct format and matches specifications
a) Audio – mp3, 48Khz sample rate (or 44.1KHZ sample rate on the HD2000)
b) Video – standard MPEG-2, with 48Khz audio layer (audio layer not required on
the HD2000)
c) Image – Bitmap, 8-bit, 24-bit, or 32-bit only or PNG file on the HD2000
3. Reformat your CF card as FAT32.
4. Copy your content including any scripts, .csv files, or playlists to the card again.
5. Download and install the latest BrightSign software. Reinstall the software if you are
already using the latest. See “Device Software and Upgrading
” for details.
6. Try a different brand and/or size card with the BrightSign.
7. Re-create content with different software, if possible.