VA-76 Owner’s Manual—Programming User Styles
Copy Mix
[User Style Composer] field
[Micro] field
[Copy Mix]
The Copy Mix function allows you to copy the
selected events to another position. This means that
the events in question will be used twice.
From, To— See “Move Mix” for details. After select-
ing the events to be copied, press [Proceed] to jump to
the second Copy Mix page:
Here, you can specify the Bar/Beat/CPT position for
the first event (of the selected range). Press [Bar],
[Beat], and [CPT], and use the [TEMPO/DATA] dial
to set the desired position.
Execute— Press this field to confirm your settings and
copy the selected events to the new position.
The User Style Utility mode contains four functions
you may need from time to time.
[User Style Composer] field
[Utility] field
This function allows you to globally edit the Expres-
sion, Reverb Send, and/or Chorus Send values of all
User Style tracks (of all Divisions, Modes, etc.). This
may be necessary if you wish to change the character
of your User Style, e.g. when you think these values are
either too low or too high. Using this function is a lot
faster than returning to the [Rec] page and re-record-
ing these values for all tracks of all divisions. A similar
function is also available for the 16-track sequencer, so
please see page 153.
Track— Press this field and use the [TEMPO/DATA]
dial to select the track you wish to edit. Please note the
All Division Data Change message: your changes will
apply to all patterns of the selected User Style track.
Execute— After setting the desired values, press this
field to execute this global change function.
[User Style Composer] field
[Utility] field
The Copy function allows you to copy one or all tracks
of a Style pattern to the selected User Style pattern.
The two important fields here are [Source] and [Desti-
nation]. When [Source] is displayed in white, you can
select the Style to be copied. When [Destination] is dis-
played in white, you can select the track and pattern
you want to copy the data to. See “Copying individual
12.7 User Style Utility
VA-76.book Page 184 Friday, January 12, 2001 12:35 PM