VA-76 – Disk Utility
55 DS
M-Val 1 DS Pan L63 ~0~ R63
M-Val 2° DlyBalance D>0E~D0<E
This effect connects a Distortion effect and a Delay in series.
56 EH
M-Val 1 EH Sens 0~127
M-Val 2° ChoBalance D>0E~D0<E
This effect connects an Enhancer and a Chorus in series.
57 EH
M-Val 1 EH Sens 0~127
M-Val 2° FLBalance D>0E~D0<E
This effect connects an Enhancer and a Flanger in series.
58 EH
M-Val 1 EH Sens 0~127
M-Val 2° DlyBalance D>0E~D0<E
This effect connects an Enhancer and a Delay in series.
59 Cho
M-Val 1 ChoBalance D>0E~D0<E
M-Val 2° DlyBalance D>0E~D0<E
This effect connects a Chorus and a Delay in series.
60 FL
M-Val 1 FL Fb –98% ~+98%
M-Val 2° DlyBalance D>0E~D0<E
This effect connects a Flanger and a Delay in series.
61 Cho
M-Val 1° ChoBalance D>0E~D0<E
M-Val 2 FLBalance D>0E~D0<E
This effect connects a Chorus and a Flanger in series.
62 RotarMlt
M-Val 1° OD Drive 0~127
*M-Val 2 RT Speed Slow/Fast
This connects Overdrive (OD), 3-band equalizer (EQ), and Rotary (RT)
effects in series.
63 GTRMlt1A
(OD Amp Small)
M-Val 1° OD Drive 0~127
M-Val 2 Dly Mix 0~127
Guitar Multi 1 algorithms connect Compressor, Overdrive (OD), Cho-
rus, and Delay effects in series. Different amp types are available (see
below) so choose your Type with care.
64 GTRMlt1B
(OD Amp BltIn)
M-Val 1° OD Drive 0~127
M-Val 2 Dly Mix 0~127
65 GTRMlt1C
(OD Amp 2-Stk)
M-Val 1° OD Drive 0~127
M-Val 2 Dly Mix 0~127
66 GTRMlt1D
(OD Amp 3-Stk)
M-Val 1° OD Drive 0~127
M-Val 2 Dly Mix 0~127
67 GTRMlt2A
(OD Amp Small)
M-Val 1 OD Drive 0~127
M-Val 2° CF Mix 0~127
Guitar Multi 2 algorithms provide Compressor, Overdrive (OD),
Equalizer, and Chorus or Flanger (CF) effects connected in series.
68 GTRMlt2B
(OD Amp BltIn)
M-Val 1 OD Drive 0~127
M-Val 2° CF Mix 0~127
69 GTRMlt2C
(OD Amp 2-Stk)
M-Val 1 OD Drive 0~127
M-Val 2° CF Mix 0~127
70 GTRMlt2D
(OD Amp 3-Stk)
M-Val 1 OD Drive 0~127
M-Val 2° CF Mix 0~127
71 GTRMlt3A
(OD Amp Small)
M-Val 1° Wah Man 0~127
M-Val 2 OD Drive 0~127
Guitar Multi 3 connects WahWah (Wah), Overdrive (OD), Chorus (CF),
and Delay effects in series.
72 GTRMlt3B
(OD Amp BltIn)
M-Val 1° Wah Man 0~127
M-Val 2 OD Drive 0~127
73 GTRMlt3C
(OD Amp 2-Stk)
M-Val 1° Wah Man 0~127
M-Val 2 OD Drive 0~127
74 GTRMlt3D
(OD Amp 3-Stk)
M-Val 1° Wah Man 0~127
M-Val 2 OD Drive 0~127
75 ClGtMlt1
M-Val 1° CF Mix 0~127
M-Val 2 Dly Mix 0~127
Clean Guitar Multi 1 connects Compressor, Equalizer, Chorus (CF),
and Delay (Dly) effects in series.
76 ClGtMlt2
Dly Time value 60m
M-Val 1° AW Man 0~127
M-Val 2 Dly Mix 0~127
Clean Guitar Multi 2 provides Auto-wah (AW), Equalizer, Chorus, and
Delay (Dly) effects connected in series.
77 BassMlti
M-Val 1° OD Drive 0~127
M-Val 2 CF Mix 0~127
Bass Multi provides Compressor, Overdrive (OD), Equalizer, and Cho-
rus (CF) effects connected in series.
78 RhodMlt1
M-Val 1 TP ModRT 0.05~6.40 Hz
M-Val 2° TP ModDep 0~127
Rhodes Multi 1 provides Enhancer, Phaser, Chorus, and Pan (TP)
effects connected in series.
79 RhodMlt2
M-Val 1 TP ModRT 0.05~6.40 Hz
M-Val 2° TP ModDep 0~127
Rhodes Multi 2 provides Enhancer, Phaser, Chorus, and Tremolo (TP)
effects connected in series.
80 KeybMlti
M-Val 1 RM ModFrq 0~127
M-Val 2 RMBalance D>0E~D0<E
Keyboard Multi provides Ring Modulator (RM), Equalizer, Pitch
Shifter, Phaser, and Delay effects connected in series.
81 Cho/Dly
M-Val 1 ChoBalance D>0E~D0<E
M-Val 2° DlyBalance D>0E~D0<E
This effect connects a Chorus and a Delay in parallel.
82 FL/Delay
M-Val 1 FLBalance D>0E~D0<E
M-Val 2° DlyBalance D>0E~D0<E
This effect connects a Flanger and a Delay in parallel.
83 Cho/Flgr
M-Val 1 ChoBalance D>0E~D0<E
M-Val 2° FLBalance D>0E~D0<E
This effect connects a Flanger and a Chorus in parallel.
84 OD1/OD2
M-Val 1 OD1 Drive 0~127
M-Val 2° OD2 Drive 0~127
85 OD/Rotar
M-Val 1 OD Drive 0~127
*M-Val 2° RTRT Speed Slow/Fast
86 OD/Phase
M-Val 1 OD Drive 0~127
M-Val 2° PH Rate 0.05~10.0 Hz
87 OD/AtWah
(Overdrive + Auto Wah)
M-Val 1 OD Drive 0~127
M-Val 2° AW Man 0~127
88 PH/Rotar
M-Val 1 PH Rate 0.05~10.0 Hz
*M-Val 2° RT Speed Slow/Fast
89 PH/AtWah
M-Val 1 PH Rate 0.05~10.0 Hz
M-Val 2° AW Man 0~127
VA-76.book Page 221 Friday, January 12, 2001 12:35 PM