
22 WinView/32 Manual Version 2.4.M
Chapter 2 The Graphical Interface
describes the essentials of the WinView/32
graphical interface and its operation. Included are discussions of the
Greeting Screen, Main Menu, Title Bar, Status Bar, Cursor and Mouse
operations, Standard and Custom Tool Bars, and Image Windows.
Chapter 3 Hardware Setup
provides detailed instructions on how to configure
WinView/32 for operation with the hardware in your particular system.
Chapter 4 Initial Data Collection
provides a procedure for initial data collection,
allowing users to gain some operating familiarity before going on to
more complex measurements.
Chapter 5 Opening Closing and Saving Data Files
describes how to open,
close and save data files in WinView/32.
Chapter 6 Displaying the Data
describes the data file display options.
Part 2, Advanced Topics
Chapter 7 ROI & Binning Options
describes binning, the summing together in
hardware of charge from several pixels. Simple or more advanced
binning options can be configured easily with WinView/32. The chapter
also describes how to set a region of interest (ROI), so that data is only
collected from the specified portion of the CCD array.
Chapter 8 Correction Techniques
explains correction options such as
background subtraction, flatfield correction and cosmic ray artifact
Chapter 9 Image Math
covers WinView/32’s mathematical processing features.
Single file operations include Log10, Natural Log, Square Root,
Squared, Absolute Value, Bitwise Complement and Binary NOT.
Operations involving two files or a file and a constant include Addition,
Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, MIN, MAX, Bitwise AND,
Bitwise OR, and Bitwise Exclusive OR.
Chapter 10 Post-Acquisition Processing Mask Operations
discusses the
several post-acquisition mask-process options provided, including Edge
enhancement, Sharpening, Smoothing and the Morphological Erode and
Dilation operations.
Chapter 11 Additional Post-Acquisition Processing Options
discusses the
additional post-acquisition processing options available, including
Threshold and Clipping, Cross Sections, Binning and Skipping, and
Histogram functions.
Chapter 12 Printing
describes printing features of WinView/32. WinView/32 can
print directly to almost any Windows printer driver.
Chapter 13 Pulser Operation
describes the operation of the Pulsers that can be
used with WinView/32.
Chapter 14 Custom Toolbar Settings
describes the Custom Toolbar and
explains how to add/remove the available button icons.