
Index 415
Standard Tool buttons
Context Sensitive Help, 362
Copy, 361
Cut, 361
Help Topics, 362
Open, 361
Paste, 361
Print, 361
Print Preview, 361
Stop, 361
Start Menu folder, 35
Start Storage, 210
input parameters, 363
output parameters, 363
overview, 362
Statistics dialog box, 362
Statistics report, 364
Frame, 364
intensity levels
average, 365
maximum, 365
minimum, 365
standard deviation, 365
total, 365
location of center of mass, 364
location of maximum intensity, 364
Location of minimum intensity, 364
number of pixels in region, 365
Rectangular Region Area, 364
Status bar
Collection Status, 365
overview, 365
Progress bar, 365
Progress Messages, 365
Prompts and Hints, 365
Time, 366
Status Bar (View menu), 377
Status Bar messages, 24
Step By, 348
Stop Acquisition, 210
Store Strobe mode, 369
Strip selection
Shift End key combination, 124
Shift Home key combination, 124
via Custom Toolbar, 124
font, 277
Subtraction, 147
Subtraction image math operation, 147, 304
Super pixels, 350
Synchronous (Full Speed), 369
Synchronous deselected, 370
Target Temperature, 252
Temperature, 366
how done with each controller type, 86
Temperature control, 86
Test (screen saver), 356
Text boxes, 50
Text cursor, 237
Threshold and Clipping, 366
Threshold and Clipping Parameters tab
page, 315
Thumbnail Graphics, 269
TIFF files, 180
Tile Horizontally, 383
Tile Vertically, 383
Timing Gen
Interactive Trig Setup, 367
Timing Generator
Interactive Pulse Width and Delay, 366
Timing Mode
External Sync, 368
Free Run, 368
Timing tab page
Continuous Cleans, 369
Edge Trigger, 370
Full Speed (synchronous), 369
overview, 368
Pre Open, 369
Safe Mode (async), 370
Shutter Mode, 369
Timing Mode, 368
Trigger Mode, 369
Use Interrupt, 370
Title Bar, 44
Tool tips, 24
Toolbars (Standard & Custom), 48
Toolbars (View menu), 377
Tools (on Menu bar), 371
Tools menu, 371
Triggered Mode, 369
Triggers tab page, 262, 324, 343
buffered vs latched inputs, 372
TTL diagnostics, 372
TTL In, 372
TTL Line, 370
TTL Out, 373
Type B interface, 84
Uninstalling WinView/32, 39
UnZoom All data window button, 249
Use Full Chip, 296
Use Interrupt, 370
Use Region of Interest, 296
User Information dialog box, 30
com port, 78