The exit script – exit.jsp – is also contained in the BOXI_CT553.zip file. This script will be called when a
user clicks the Logoff button on the CMC. It is responsible for destroying the BusinessObjects Enterprise
session and closing the browser window (thus destroying the RSA ClearTrust SSO token).
Note: The sso.jsp and exit.jsp files are provided as examples. The may
be used in a production environment, but they can also be modified to
meet a specific customer’s requirements.
In order to install and configure the scripts:
1. Navigate to %BUSINESSOBJECTS_HOME%\Tomcat\webapps\businessobjects\enterprise115\
desktoplaunch\WEB-INF and open the web.xml file. Find the welcome-file-list tag, and change the value
of the welcome-file to exit.jsp
<!-- The welcome file list -->
2. Copy the sso.jsp and exit.jsp files to the
desktoplaunch\ directory.
The default welcome-file value is default.htm.
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