\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11.5\win32_x86
\plugins\auth\secEnterprise and create a new text file named TrustedPrincipal.conf. Type the following line
at the beginning of this file:
where %SHARED_SECRET% matches the passkey entered in step 3.
6. Save changes to TrustedPrincipal.conf and close it.
Add an Enterprise alias to each user account
1. Launch and log into the CMC.
2. Select Authentication from the Manage frame and then chose the Enterprise tab.
3. Deselect every checkbox except Trusted Authentication is enabled.
4. Click Update.
5. Return to CMC Home and select Users from the Organize frame.
6. For each user, open the user account, scroll to the end of the page, and click New Alias.
7. Select Enterprise as the Authentication type and enter a password.
8. Deselect the User must change password at next logon checkbox.
9. Click OK.
Replace %BUSINESSOBJECTS_HOME% with BusinessObjects Enterprise’s installation directory. The
default value for this directory is C:\Program Files\Business Objects.
Note that this password doesn’t have to match the user’s RSA ClearTrust password. It is the latter
password the user must remember and use to authenticate.
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