Additional information
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A system that automatically focuses the camcorder lens on the subject. Youl camco/de/uses
the contrast to focus autolnatically.
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The aperture controls the amount of light ftlat reaches the calTico/de/'s sensoh
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If the camcordel is moved while the shutte/is open, the enti/e hnage may appear blur/ed. This
occurs more often when ft/e shutter speed is slow. Prevent camco/del shake by/aialng the
sensitivity, using a faste/shutte/speed. Akernately, use a tripod, the DIS or OI8 function to
stabilize the calTico/de/.
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Composition in photography means a/ranging objects in aphoto. Usually, abiding by the/ule of
thi/ds leads to a good composition.
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OMOS is an image sensor producing images apploaching the quality of OCD (cha/ge coupled
device) sensors. Itconsumes less powe/, meaning a Ionge/battery life on youl calTico/der.
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A feature that artificially increases the amount of zoom available with zoom lens (Optical zoom).
When using the Digital zoom, the hnage quality will dete/iolate as tile magnification increases.
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Unlike the total pixel count, this is tile actual number of pixels used to capture an image.
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All the combinations ofthe camcorde/'s shutter speed and lens aperture that result intile same
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The amount of light allowed to reach the camcorder's sensor. Exposure is controlled by a
combination of the shutter speed, the aperture value, and ISO sensitivity.
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The distance from the middle of the lens to its focal point (in millhneters). Longer focal lengths
result in narrower angles of view and the subject is magnified. Shorter focal lengths result in
wider angles of view.
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The f number defines the b/ightness of lens. Smaller l/un-lber lens has generally b/ighte/image.
The f numbe/is direotl 7 proportiorlal to the focal length and inversely proportional to the lens
*F.No=fooal length/diameter of lens aperture
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MPEG 4 AVO/H.264 defines the latest video coding format standa/dized by tile 180 lEO and
the ITU T, in 2008. Compared with the conventional MPEG 2fo/mat, MPEG 4 AVO/H.264 has
mole than twice the efficiency. You/camcorde/employs MPEG 4AVO/H.264 to encode high
definition videos.
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This is a gene/al zoom which carl enlarge images with a lens and does not detelio/ate quality of
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An explession of ft/e rate of compression used in adigital hnage. Highe/quality images have a
Iowel/ate of comp/esalon, which usually/esults in a larger file size.
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The number of pixels present in a digital hnage. High resolution images oorltain more pixels and
typicall 7 show more detail than low resolution images.
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Shutter speed refers to the amount of time it takes to open and close the shutter, and it is
an important factor in the brightness of a photo, as it controls the amount of light which pass
through the aperture before it reaches the image sensor. A fast shutter speed allows less time
to let light in and the photo becomes darker and more easily freezes subjects in motion.
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This feature allows you to capture close up hnages of very small objects. When using the Tele
Macro feature, the camcorder can maintain asharp focus on small objects at a near life size
ratio (1 :1).
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An adjustment of the intensities of colors (typically the prima/y colors led, green, and blue), in
an image. The goal of adjusting the white balance, or colo/balance, is to cor/ectly/ende/the
colors in an image.