Advanced reco_dings
EV (Exposune Value)
Depending on the intensky of the ambbnt bight,your videos and
photos may be too bright or dark. Inthese cases, you can adjust the
exposure to get a better videos and photos.
1 Press the Home (,_,) button _ touch "Manual"
touch the EV (,,,@_:)tab,
2 Touch the decrease (_) or increase (D) tab to adjust the
setting values,
The setting values range from -2.0 to +2.0
Back Liglht
When a subject is bitfrom behind, this function compensates for
back bighting so that the subject does not appear too dark,
1 Press the Home (1_')button _ touch "Manual"
touch the Back Light (<_) tab.
2 Touch the desired submenu item,
Off (_{_): Disables the function.
On (_'/)): Backlight compensation brightens the subject.