_F__ _ @ _
DO not press the SUrfaCe Of DOnot dro# or expose the
the LCD with force, or hit it camcerder, battery pack, AC adaptor Do not use the camcorder on a
with a sharp object. If you or other accessoriesto severe tripod (not supplied) in a place
push the LCD surface, d!splay vibratio0s or impact. Thismay cause where it is subject to severe
unevenness may occur: amalfunctionor injury, vibrations or impact.
Do not use the camcorder in direct Do net leave the camcorder in Do not expose the camcarder to
sunlight or near heating equipment, a closed vehicle for a long time, soot or steam: Thick soot or steam
This may cause a malfunction or where the temperature is verY could damage the camcorder case
injury, high. Orcause a malfunctien.
Do notuse the camcorderneardense DOn0texposethecamcorderto
exhaustgas generatedbygasoline insecticide,Insecticideenteringthe Do notexposethe camcorderto
or diesel engines,or corrosiyegas camc0rdercouldcausetheproduct suddenchangesintemperatureora
such ashydrogensulphide. Doingso to operateabnormally,Turnthe humidplace,Thereis a!soariskof
maycorrode theexternat or internat Camcorderoff andcoverit witha vinyt defectoretectricshockwhenusing
terminals,disabling normatoperation, sheet,etc,beforeusinginsecticide, outdoorsduringlightningstorms,