The available functions vary depending on the selected operation mode. Different indicators appear
depending orsthe setting values. The indicators below only appear in the Photo Record mode,
• The On Screen display (OSD) below only appears when the camcorder is in Photo record (i_J) mode.
o Select the Photo_ m£de b_pressin£the MODE button. _,_49
Photo record mode
/ Photo record mode
2 Focus indicator (half shutter) / Self Timer*
3 Warning indicators and messages
4 Image counter (total number of recordable photo
5 Storage media (memory card)
6 Battery info.(remaining battery bveVtime)
7 Quality, Resolution
8 LCD enhancer, Anti-Shake (HDIS)
9 Teb Macro*, Back Light
10 Dynamic Range*, Flash/Cont. Shot
/Bracket Shot*
11 ISO, Sharpness
12 Menu (_E_]})tab
13 Optical zoom/Digital zoom bar
14 Date/lime
15 Time Zone
16 Play ([]_])tab
17' EV*
18 Manual aperture*/Manual shutter*
19 Manual focus*,Metering/Magic Touch*
/Face Detection
20 White Balance, Digital effect
21 iSCENE mode/SMART AUTO, Analog TV Out
(when component/AV cable is connected)
,, The settings of functions marked with * are not retained when you turn the camcorder off.
,, For wamirsg indicators and messages, see pages 131~ 137
,, The total number of recordabb photos is based on available space on the storage media.
,, Small changes to the remaining memory space may not change the photo counter after recording.
,, The largest number the OSD Image Counter cars display is "9,999."