4. Enterthe Subject and yourMessage. (Select each
field and press to entertext.)
5. Press Send (left softkey) to send yourSprint Mail
Forinformation and instructions about reading, replying
to, and managing Sprint Mail (including setting up your
address book), please visit www.sprint.com.
Accessing Additional Email Providers
With Sprint Vision, you can use popularemail services
such as AOL
Mail, AIM
Mail, MSN
Mail, and Yahoo!
Mail, to keep in touch, even while you’re on the go.
1. From the Sprint Vision home page, select
Messaging > Email.
2. Select an email provider, such as AOL, MSN, or
3. Use yourkeypad to enterthe required sign-in
information forthe selected provider, such as user
name, email address, orpassword, and select
Sign In. (Yourmailbox forthe selected providerwill be
4. Follow the onscreen instructions to read, reply to,
compose, send, and manage messages in your
email account.
You can also access the Email and Instant
Messaging options from the main menu.
Menu > Messaging > IM & Emailand select
an option.
The information required to sign in will vary
depending on the email provideryou are accessing.
You can also access Sprint Mail from the
Sprint Vision home page. From the home page,
Messaging > Email > PCS Mailto display
Section 3B. Sprint Vision 125