Phone Information Management
Displaying Your UserAddress
Press > Settings > Phone Info >Phone#/User ID.
Displaying Icon Definitions
1. Press > Settings > Phone Info> Icon Glossary.
2. Select the item forwhich you want to see the
explanation and press .
Displaying Version Information
To display the version number of the software, hardware,
PRL(Preferred Roaming List), PRI (Product Release
Instructions), etc., installed on your phone:
Press > Settings > Phone Info >Version.
Displaying Advanced Information
To display advanced information such as frequency and
other technical data:
Press > Settings > Phone Info >Advanced.
Displaying My Account Information
To display My Account information regarding electronic
invoicing, online payments, etc.
Press > Settings > Phone Info >My Account.
You can update the softwareand PRLversion
manually. Highlight
Software orPRL and press
Update (leftsoftkey).
48 Section 2B. Settings