
Using Party Mode
Let the Party mode on! It can be difficult to get everyone on a party. While you have the whole gang
together, take a group or family portrait. Party mode features on Red-eye reduction flash and face tracking.
You’ll miss fewer shots, and have more time to focus on enjoying the party.
Using Soft Skin mode
When the soft skin mode is activated, it makes wrinkles and lines look less conspicuous, while preserving
resolution in areas of the picture outside of the skin. The camera detects skin color area, such as the face
and processes the image to make the skin appear smooth.
Using Food Mode
How to share your dining experiences and comments of
interesting widgets on your blog by close-up images? Just get
the camera and set the scene with food mode. This mode
features on macro focus and auto flash designed for close-up
Macro focus and Auto Flash are
enabled by using Food mode.
Using Foliage Mode
A scenic image, such as a garden or forest scene, that full of doll green colors is boring. In foliage mode,
the greens, blues, are brilliantly enhanced making scenic pictures pop out with bright color.
Using LOMO Mode
The LOMO mode applies the following effects on the photo:
1. Over-saturated colors
2. Off-kilter exposure
3. Blurring
4. Darkening around the edges of photo